![E06bf086491dd3d773dbad30dfe8d6c1c4259712 grayscale](http://ktstp.s3.amazonaws.com/icons/e06bf086491dd3d773dbad30dfe8d6c1c4259712-grayscale.png?1394202860)
A Cancer Research Grant is open.
Charities can now apply to receive a
Cancer Research
grant from Hogwarts.
Charities apply by
May 17, 2017
Users vote until
June 1, 2017
Grant awarded on
July 11, 2017
2 charities have submitted proposals for this grant. Please vote on your favorite proposals.
we ARE cancer research
We will use this money to find the cure for cancer
We are the OTHER charity that does cancer research
We need this so much more than the other guy!
Past Awarded Grants
There are no awarded grants.
Default Charity
THE Cancer Research Charity is the default approved Cancer Research charity. When the Student Committee cannot decide on a worthy proposal for a Cancer Research grant, the grant is awarded to THE Cancer Research Charity instead.