Wildlife Conservation

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Join us in conserving the earth's wildlife!

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Mahatma Gandhi

Funds Raised

$5,100 has been raised


There are few places left on the planet that humans have not touched. We have left our footprint on nearly every corner of the globe. As the human population grows, we are leaving less and less room for wildlife.

Some of the greatest threats to our wildlife are;
- Disease
- Global Warming
- Habitat Loss
- Invasive Species
- Oil Spills
- Overexploitation
- Pollutants

With each destruction of an animal habitat the world loses a precious and unique species. For this reason, our objective is to conserve and protect wildlife all around the world.

Donate Now

How This Works

When sufficient funds are raised, the Student Committee will open a grant. Charities devoted to wildlife conservation can submit an application to receive the grant. The students and Student Committee of Hogwarts will rank the applications and award the grant to the charity with the highest vote.

Open Grants

There are no grants currently open.

Past Awarded Grants

There are no awarded grants.