![6436832b022739a4112b4f9e546f8e959fa8b282 grayscale](http://ktstp.s3.amazonaws.com/icons/6436832b022739a4112b4f9e546f8e959fa8b282-grayscale.png?1391030566)
An Environmental Grant is open.
Charities can now apply to receive a
grant from Drew University.
Charities apply by
February 26, 2017
Users vote until
March 11, 2017
Grant awarded on
March 26, 2017
2 charities have submitted proposals for this grant. Please vote on your favorite proposals.
Past Awarded Grants
There are no awarded grants.
Default Charity
Waelchi-Lehner is the default approved Environmental charity. When the Student Committee cannot decide on a worthy proposal for a Environmental grant, the grant is awarded to Waelchi-Lehner instead.